I’m gonna step out on a limb here and say you know, or maybe even insta-stalk “those chicks” – fit girls who seems to have it all put together. You look to her for motivation but often wonder just how she does it. She’s no doubt mommying like a boss, traveling to incredible places, always on some adventure, and as fit as it gets. How does she do it?
We all want to know how she stays focused, keeps her fitness on point, and makes the time to keep her goals on the top of the list. So what exactly is the secret sauce to getting it done?
We’ve teamed up with some of our favorite fit girls to see just how they stay focused, and here’s what they had to say.
These are the non-negotiable habits fit girls don’t compromise.
Start the Day Strong
By: Krista Magnussen
With an extensive fitness background and being a mother of two, I have learned over the years how to balance these two worlds, and I’m proud to say, it is now our normal.
The first thing we do is begin our day with smoothies. We make them together, so the kids can help and see the process of making them (they even help grow or purchase the produce). They LOVE “smoothie time,” and I love beginning our day together with lots of fruits and veggies. It’s a win-win!
Provide Nutrient-Rich Foods
Eating a homemade meal is also very important to our family. We enjoy harvesting our meat, veggies, and fruit ourselves when we can; otherwise, we try to support local farms. Feeling good about what I’m putting on my family’s plate is a MUST.

Fit Girls Don’t Give Up on Themselves
By: Kristy Titus
As we get older, it can become difficult to stay fit when we are juggling career and family life. Many women bare scars from pregnancy, and after gaining some weight, it can be easy to feel defeated about one’s self-image, especially when you look in the mirror and only seem to notice flaws.
No matter where you are with your fitness journey, the important thing is to never give up on yourself. YOU are worth making time in your life to work out and eat healthy. I have heard women say things like, “I’ve had two babies, and this mom bod is beyond help.” This is so far from the truth! Fitness is a journey. It takes time.
Your personal relationships with your spouse and children will all benefit from a confident and healthy YOU. Start today by making a calendar of specific days and times that you are going to work out. Trust me, you may not feel like doing your workouts, but when it’s over, you will thank yourself. Find a group of like-minded women to workout with and share in your journey. Every day that you stick to your schedule and fitness plan is another day closer to feeling even more sexy and vibrant.

Respect Yourself
By: Kirstie Ennis
Over time, I have set my standards higher and higher for myself. Don’t get me wrong, I am a firm believer in being better than you were the day before, but we have to be realistic. Should things not go according to plan, or if I am running late, I need to learn to forgive myself. I am human. YOU are human, after all. Self-talk plays a big role in my day to day, rather than beating myself up, I am working towards expressing gratitude and consistently shifting perspective. I don’t have to do things; I get to do them.
Fit Girls Listen to Their Bodies
Listen to your body and listen to what those around you are saying. I frequently find myself thinking, “Others have it worse, you can suck it up for a little bit longer.” That’s true, but it’s not necessary. If I want to produce, then I need to listen to what my mind and body need. Our bodies are machines and we need to do the maintenance.

Fit Girls Plan Ahead
By: Courtney LeVesque
I can confidently say those who achieve a high level of fitness and health don’t get there accidentally — they have a plan. From what makes the grocery cart to gym sessions and goals, knowing what the plan is before the “game time” decisions is a must. Instead of hoping you make three workouts this week or aiming to bring a healthy lunch to work, line it all out at the beginning of the week and set your plan into motion. Be detailed and list things out specifically. For example, instead of “make the gym three days this week,” you’ll write out what you’ll do at the gym, and what days, and times you’ll be there. The same applies to your nutrition. No more generic “stay on point and eat clean,” make a weekly food plan and write down what you’ll be having.
(Pro tip: plan snacks. This is an area that can get overlooked, and although you may have your three big meals planned out, bad decisions when your hungry and limited on time can cost you the progress you’re after).
Ditch the Scale
Although the scale can have its place, using it often, especially for those who have struggled to lose weight, can lead to a never-ending battle with self-destruction and sabotage. Fit girls who know their body and live a healthy lifestyle don’t rely on the scale number to validate or motivate their effort toward goals. If you already struggle with overusing the scale or are negatively affected by stepping on it and seeing a different number than what you want, your best bet is to put it away, toss it out, or have a friend or loved one hide it from you

Getting to your best version, no matter how many times you’ve tried and failed in the past, or how far away your goals are IS DOABLE, it just takes putting together the right habits. If you’re ready to put your best foot forward and make your fitness goals a real priority in your life, start with the habits above and be RELENTLESS with them. Daily decisions to stay on target, consistent effort, and a plan will outline your road to success.