Depending on your level of fitness and ability, feel free to add weight to the Lunges, Y’s & T’s, Body Squats, or Russian Twists for added intensity to this home superset.
Start with a 5-minute jog or row to get the blood flowing, followed by 5 minutes of a static stretch of your tight muscle groups or problem areas.
Superset = A superset is a form of strength training in which you move quickly from one exercise to a separate exercise without taking a break to rest in between the two exercises.
Complete Home Superset #1 – 2 sets for each movement
- Walking lunges 20 total (10 each leg)
- Plank 1 minute (variation)
- 15 Superman
- 30 High Knees
Complete Home Superset #2 – 2 sets for each movement
- 20 push-ups
- 30 Bent Over Y T A’s
- 10 One and a half rep Body Squats
- 40 (total) Russian Twist
Walking Lunges