“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” – Zig Ziglar

If you’re having trouble finding the motivation and consistency that you need to see and feel results in the gym or with your diet, it might be time to “phone a friend“.

Partnering up with someone with similar goals can be a huge help in keeping you on track. If you’re lucky enough to live close to your best friend and share the same schedule, hit the gym together! A lot of times though, that’s not possible.

Here are a couple of alternative ideas:

  • Agree on a time that you’ll both wake up and go workout. Text each other every morning at that time. Maybe even agree to send photographic evidence of the workout. Hold each other accountable for sticking to the plan.
  •  Sign up for a competition with a friend or two. We recommend one like Train to HuntSpartan, or Alpha Bowhunting Challenge. Knowing that you’re going to compete as a team will encourage both of you to stick to it. And we bet you’ll have a blast!
  • Start a bet with a group of friends. Get 3-4 people (or more) to set the same goal (Lose 10 pounds, gym 3x a week, etc). Everyone pitches in couple bucks. Then at the end of the allotted time, everyone who hit the goal splits the pot. So if you commit, you get your money back. If you don’t, your friends get paid!

And if you need any extra motivation, remember that you’ve got a friend in me. Cheesy, I know… but at Wilderness Athlete we’re here to support, motivate and kick you in the butt sometimes. So always feel free to call, email, direct message on social media, etc. Phone a friend today, we always look forward to hearing from you!