We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.”
– John Dryden
If you’re reading this, I’m going to assume that you’re not easily offended. So let me tell you a hard truth – The reason you haven’t reached your goals in the past is simple: You didn’t make a commitment.
At some point in our lives, we’ve all been guilty of a half-assed attempt at committing to something, and because of that, we’ve all failed miserably at making that goal a reality.
FULLY commit to something today!
One tip to make sure you’ll be fully committed: Put your money where your mouth is. There are several ways we do this:
1. Invest in equipment
There are a ton of useful and effective pieces of exercise equipment on the market these days, take your pick. We love the Atlas Trainer by Outdoorsmans – it gets us outdoors for weighted hikes, prepares us for the mountain and the heavy pack outs, and it’s versatility allows you to train with it in a number of ways safely.

2. Invest in a gym
As for joining a gym – find one with built in accountability and something to lose if you don’t show up. Gyms like Crossfit or Orange Theory come with a hefty fee and a strong community. This forces you to stay on track. Whether you do it for the people or do it for the hole in your wallet, you’ll make a commitment. The structure that comes with these gyms will catapult your progress. There are also hundreds of local gyms and groups throughout the country that are focusing on the hunter athlete. Have one that you love? Tell us about it!
3. Invest in a program
There are thousands of fitness programs available on the internet. Take your pick. Find one that speaks to you. Yeah, there are a ton of free ones too. But if you’re like us, spending some money on it can insure that you’ll take it seriously. (Obviously one that we recommend is the 28 Day Reboot, which comes with a workout program, a guide for your daily routine and all the supplements you need to drive fat loss and lean muscle gain)