Wilderness Athlete Deadlift Fundamentals 

Deadlifts, like squats, are a major full body move that pumps testosterone throughout your entire body. In bending over to pick up anything you are executing a deadlift.

Those who understand and practice good form have fewer back problems. Proper form protects your back and maximizes force output.

The deadlift is a full body workout and builds strength in your lats, posterior deltoids, lower back, upper back, spinal erectors, abs, obliques, glutes, hamstrings, calves, biceps, forearms, quads, and more.


How to execute a deadlift:

To best perform a deadlift correctly you start by taking all of the “slack” out of your body. The proper form starts with your setup. The top down setup is perfect for the deadlift. To start, your stance should be a little narrower than your squat. Use the same load-order sequence as we required with the squat.


1) Brace – Start by screwing your feet into the ground, squeezing your glutes and pulling your belly tight. Raise your arms and pull your shoulders back.

2) Create Torque – Keep your back flat and hinge at the hips. Grip the bar (there are three grips you can use: normal, over/under, and hook). I prefer the hook grip which will provide maximum torque.

3) Reload Your Hips and Hamstrings – Hunt for tension by pulling on the bar and determine where the weight will be transferred to.

4) Keep Your Shins Vertical – Keep your weight in the center of your feet. At the top of the deadlift, squeeze your glutes together and try not to overextend.


The #1 problem that I see is the rounded back at the start position and the butt shooting up while the shoulders and upper body remain unmoved.

Your shoulders and back should move first and remain flat. Your head position should stay in line with your spinal column.