“Expect nothing. Appreciate everything.”
– Unknown
A couple weeks ago, we talked about gratitude. We encouraged you to think about things that you are grateful for in life, or maybe even write them down.
Today, we want to show you how our team decided to take it a step further.
We decided that instead of just encouraging our customers and each other to practice gratitude, we were going to inject the practice into our daily life at work.
If any of you work in an office with more than 3 people – you probably use Slack. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, Slack is basically an instant messenger for the office. We can set up channels for different departments or projects. The channels are called things like #marketingteam #laser (our warehouse) #customerservice #emails, etc. etc. (The hashtags are required, we’re not just millennials!)
Take a look at a couple of our channels:

After we sent the email to you earlier this month, we added a channel called #gratitude, to practice what you preach.
I have to say that it has changed our culture for the better in a very short amount of time.
We wanted to share a couple conversations that have happened on this channel. We hope that these make you smile, make you laugh and hopefully inspire you to figure out ways to express gratitude in your work and with your family (maybe even make a #gratitude channel yourself!).