Although it isn’t the most abundant mineral in our body, magnesium might be the most critical to overall health. It is involved in over 300 biological processes including heartbeat, protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation.

Furthermore, magnesium at a cellular level is a requirement in the production of Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a coenzyme which transports energy within our cells for metabolism.


  • Increased Energy
  • Calm Nerves
  • Restful Sleep
  • Digestive Support
  • Muscle Ache Relief
  • Heart Health
  • Prevent Headaches

Dietary surveys of people in the United States consistently show that intakes of magnesium are lower than recommended amounts. Often overlooked and rarely tested for, this deficiency can cause muscle aches, poor digestion, anxiety, trouble sleeping, and a decline in the athletic performance.

Long term deficiency can cause a host of health problems including osteoporosis, kidney damage, hypertension, and depression. There is emerging evidence suggesting that magnesium demands and deficiencies are significantly higher amongst athletes. As an electrolyte, magnesium is lost through sweat and therefore training at high levels increases the need for magnesium replenishments in athletes.


  • Pumpkin Seeds (532 mg)
  • Almonds (300mg)
  • Brazil Nuts (225mg)
  • Sesame Seeds (200mg)
  • Peanuts (183mg)
  • Walnuts (158mg)
  • Rice (110mg)
  • Whole-Grain Bread (85mg)
  • Spinach (80mg)
  • Avacado (42mg)
  • Cooked Beans (40mg)
  • Broccoli (30mg)
  • Banana (29mg)
  • Potato (25mg)


While magnesium is not produced in the body, eating foods high in magnesium such as leafy green vegetables and nuts can make a healthful impact. However, mineral depletion in our nation’s soil has diminished the ability of these food sources alone to meet our magnesium needs.

Supplemental intake of magnesium can be the most effective and consistent way to provide your body with one of its most needed minerals. For this reason and numerous other physiological benefits, magnesium is included in many Wilderness Athlete products such as Hydrate & Recover, Meal Replacement Shake, Protein Plus, Midnight Build, Joint Advantage, Ultimate Pre-Workout, Brute Strength, Altitude Advantage, and High-Performance Multi-Vitamin.

As your training intensifies and your everlasting pursuit for elite performance and rapid recovery continues, don’t overlook one of the most essential and dynamic elements in your diet, Magnesium.